San Francisco Berniecrats February 2019 Meeting

Park Branch Library 1833 Page St, San Francisco, CA, United States

San Francisco Berniecrats General February 2019 Membership Meeting We'll have report backs from our working groups, announcements, and Officer Elections for the new year. Only members in good standing will get to vote, so please renew your Β Membership Dues!


SF Public Bank Special Announcement & Press Conference

The San Francisco Mint 88 5th St., San Francisco, CA, United States

SF Public Bank Coalition has some exciting news to share! We will be having a Press Conference at the San Francisco Mint! This event will be inside, in case it rains. See you then!

St. Patrick’s Day Medicare4All Crowd Canvass w/ Shahid Buttar

Love On Haight 1400 Haight St., San Francisco, CA, United States

Join us to canvass the dinnertime St. Patrick's Day crowd in the Haight! We'll be talking to folks in our community about Medicare for All, and the alternative it presents