All of our officers are democratically elected by the SF Berniecrats' membership.
Membership Coordinator: Adam Kim
Elections & Endorsement Coordinator: Laura Goldin
Events & Fundraising Coordinator: Toby Sachs-Quintana
Treasurer: Mary Leatherman
Community Outreach Coordinator: Winnie Porter
Moderator: Allyson

Brett Wilkins

Zoe Kelman
Born in Manchester, England, Zoe channels her mother’s compassion for those oppressed, overlooked, underprivileged people who are underrepresented in society. Zoe’s grandfather in England was blacklisted by employers for his efforts to organize labor, so this trait runs deep in her family roots.
It's no surprise then that Zoe strongly advocates for better public education, greater compassion for the incarcerated, environmental justice, and other causes that benefit the underrepresented in society. She spent her formative years in New Jersey, graduating with a BE in Chemical Engineering and a Master's in Environmental Engineering.
She’s worked in industry for large corporations but returned to public service, working at the NJDEP and EPA. In her role with the government, she forced management to recognize that cleaning up Superfund sites shouldn’t be a matter of convenience for corporations who prefer to avoid accountability but rather a responsibility to serve those whose health and well-being suffered on account of their profiteering. Ultimately, she chose the role of whistleblower and suffered the consequences. Her whistleblowing was instrumental in holding companies like Honeywell and PPG Industries accountable for over $1Billion in cleanup costs for chromium sites in Jersey City, NJ. This led her to roles on the boards of two NGOs including Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) and National Disease Cluster Alliance (NDCA). She worked closely with Charlie Smith in Idaho to establish Trevor’s Law, named for cancer survivor Trevor Schaefer of Boise, which was included in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) reform bill signed by President Obama in 2016.
Since moving to San Francisco in 2008, Zoe has continued her activism, advocating for Bernie Sanders’ run for president in 2012 and more recently for former San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin’s election campaign as well as opposing his recall.
Her passion for rescuing unwanted dogs and cats matches her protecting the underserved in society. Since childhood, Zoe has always adopted from rescues and supported no-kill shelters. Since childhood, she’s never lived anywhere without the trusted companionship of several dogs and cats.

Adam Kim
MEMBERSHIP Coordinator

Laura Goldin

Toby Sachs-Quintana

Mary Leatherman
Mary grew up on a dairy farm in rural Ohio and immediately moved to San Francisco in 1975 after receiving a Bachelor of Science in Social Work from Ohio State. She funded her education by working at a drag strip, a sewing factory, Rubbermaid and a zoological library.
She never worked in social work, but instead began working in accounting. She had the honor of working as the Financial Manager for the first organic produce distributor which is women owned and operated and where famers were valued. She also worked as Accounting Manager for an engineering firm specializing in energy engineering and program management, involving contracts with the City and County of San Francisco, including the Department of the Environment.
Along with her best friend, she listened to Bernie on the Thom Hartmann radio show every Friday for many many years and visualized what it would be like to have a President that values the earth and every living thing on it and does not lie. Mary had never officially joined an organization or group until Bernie announced he was running for President in 2016 and was very excited for his 2020 run.

Winnie Porter
Immigrated from Peru at the age of 6. Retired public school teacher. Activist her adult life. Mother of two humans, three dogs. Joined the Berniecrats as a result of deep depression over the 2016 election. Currently a student at CCSF just for fun. Loves to read, walk her dogs, travel, hang out with her granddaughters, work in her garden, share a meal with friends, paint/draw and just about anything that she could not do when she was working full time, raising her kids.