All November 2024 Endorsements

Thank you to everyone that participated in our November 2024 endorsements! We had a lot of great candidates come to speak with us during our meetings earlier this year and how they plan to fight for progressive values in San Francisco.  Here is a summary of our endorsements, all on one page!

Here are the propositions, which are here on our website for the first time!

 Local Measures

  • A: Yes ✅ SFUSD facilities bond
  • B: Yes ✅ Community health & safety bond
  • C: Yes ✅ Create an Inspector General
  • D: HELL NO! ❌❌❌ Eliminates dozens of commissions and removes public oversight
  • E: HELL YES! ✅✅✅ Smart commission reform
  • F: No ❌ Lets police double their salaries
  • G: Yes ✅ Establish a Fund for Rental Subsidies for Extremely Low Income Residents
  • I: Yes ✅Allows Nurses and 911 operators to get retirement benefits they were denied
  • J: No ❌ puts more SFUSD money in the hands of the mayor
  • K: Yes ✅ permanently close the Upper Great Highway to private vehicles
  • L: HELL YES! ✅✅✅ Tax Uber and Waymo to fund MUNI (but it has to get more votes than Prop M!)
  • M: No ❌ weakens overpaid CEO tax and could prevent measure L from taking effect
  • O: Yes ✅ make SF a reproductive rights sanctuary city

Statewide Ballot Propositions

  • Prop 2: Yes ✅ publich school and community college facilities bond
  • Prop 3: HELL YES! ✅✅✅ enshrines same sex marriage into the state’s constitution
  • Prop 4: Yes ✅ drought preparedness bond
  • Prop 5: Yes ✅ lower voter approval for affordable housing and local infrastructure from 2/3 to 55%
  • Prop 6: HELL YES! ✅✅✅ prohibit slavery in CA prisons
  • Prop 32: Yes ✅ raises state minimum wage to $18/hour with cost of living adjustment subsequent
  • Prop 33: HELL YES! ✅ repeals Costa-Hawkins and allows cities to expand rent control
  • Prop 34: No ❌ CA Apartment Association’s retailiatory measure againast AIDS Healthcare Foundation for funding Prop 33
  • Prop 35: Yes ✅ creates permanent funding source for Medi-Cal
  • Prop 36: No ❌ criminalizes homelessness and reinstates felony sentences for some theft and drug charges

And here are the candidate endorsements from earlier this year:


  • Aaron Peskin

San Francisco Board of Supervisors

  • D1: Connie Chan
  • D3: Sharon Lai
  • D5: Dean Preston
  • D7: Myrna Melgar*
  • D9: 1. Jackie Fielder; 2. Stephen Torres
  • D11: 1. Chyanne Chen; 2. EJ Jones

Board of Education

  • Matt Alexander

City College Board of Trustees

  • Alan Wong

District Attorney

  • Ryan Khojasteh


  • Edward Wright

Assembly District 19

  • David Lee

About our endorsements

* Recommend :  If you want to vote for this office, this is who we recommend.

No Endorsement :  We neither recommend or endorse a position.

No Position:  No consensus was reached among membership.

November 2024 Election Endorsements – Second Round

The San Francisco Berniecrats are pleased to reveal the second round of our democratically decided November 2024 Election Endorsements. We will hold another round of endorsements for propositions and measures  soon.

District 3 Supervisor, first choice, Sharon Lai

District 7 Supervisor, first choice, Myrna Melgar

District 9 Supervisor, first choice, Jackie Fielder

District 9 Supervisor, second choice, Stephen Torres

District 11 Supervisor, first choice, Chynanne Chen

District 11 Supervisor, second choice, Ernest Jones

District Attorney, Ryan Khojasteh

November 2024 Election Endorsements – First Round

The San Francisco Berniecrats are pleased to reveal the first round of our democratically decided November 2024 Election Endorsements. We will hold another round of endorsements for propositions, measures, and other candidates soon.

District 1 Supervisor, Connie Chan (unanimous)
District 5 Supervisor, Dean Preston (unanimous)
District 9 Supervisor, Jackie Fielder (unanimous)
Mayor, Aaron Peskin (unanimous)

Candidate Questionnaires – November 2024 Election

The San Francisco Berniecrats’ Endorsement Committee has received the following questionnaires from candidates under consideration for endorsement for the November 2024 Election:  


Aaron Peskin Responses (pdf)

District 1 Supervisor

Connie Chan Responses (pdf)

Jen Nossokoff Responses (pdf)

District 3 Supervisor

Moe Jamil Responses (pdf)

Sharon Lai Responses (pdf)

Danny Sauter Responses (pdf)

Eduard Navarro Responses (pdf)

District 5 Supervisor

Amber Looijen Responses (pdf)

Dean Preston Responses (pdf)

District 7 Supervisor

Stephen Martin-Pinto Responses (pdf)

Myrna Melgar Responses (pdf)

District 9 Supervisor

Julian Bermudez Responses (pdf)

Jackie Fielder Responses (pdf)

Stephen Torres Responses (pdf)

District 11 Supervisor

Chyanne Chen Responses (pdf)

Ernest Jones Responses (pdf)

District Attorney

Ryan Khojasteh Responses (pdf)


The San Francisco Berniecrats join JVP Bay Area in condemning any attempts to censure, condemn, or cancel John Avalos for his tweet

“Never again means never again for anyone. Never again also means ppl of conscience have a responsibility to prevent the past fear & indifference to Jewish suffering from ever happening again to anyone anywhere. Ppl have the right to call out elected leaders’ complicity w/genocide”

The First Amendment is intended to protect the people’s right to speak out against the government. Government officials (e.g., State Senators, members of the Board of Supervisors) are obligated to listen to their constituents, not to lash out against the free exercise of speech.

Avalos’s social media post supported criticism of an elected state senator who refuses to call for a ceasefire in a war the International Court of Justice and a federal court in Oakland called “plausibly” genocidal. Like countless jurists, academics, human rights groups, and other experts around the world—including some of Israel’s leading Holocaust scholars—Avalos believes Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. So do we. And like Avalos, we condemn any elected official who is complicit.

During the McCarthy era of the Frightened Fifties, people were intimidated by the government for the exercise of their rights of association and freedom of speech. Many lost their jobs, employment and careers—even their families.

Now we are confronting books bans, library closures, study restrictions, job loss, even violence, all designed to silence opposition to genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Condemning John Avalos for his public, personal expression is the rearing of the McCarthyist Snake.

The San Francisco Berniecrats reject a return to those times. Please join us. Speak out. Call for a ceasefire NOW and an end to Israeli genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza and throughout illegally occupied Palestine. Oppose the New McCarthyism.

March 2024 Primary Endorsements

San Francisco Berniecrats’ Voter Guide with March 2024 Primary Endorsements

The San Francisco Berniecrats are pleased to reveal the below voter guide with our democratically decided March 2024 Primary Endorsements.

UPDATE: We apologize to Queena Chen (陳慧君) and Gloria Berry (歌莉·婭貝理) for providing the incorrect Chinese versions of their name. We erred in using the Department of Election’s provided materials without close scrutiny. We are proud to offer the only trilingual voter guide in San Francisco, and as such we must hold ourselves to a higher standard.

Jump down to:
Propositions and Measures

San Francisco Primary Election – Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Scroll down for more info and explanations!!

San Francisco March 2024 Voter Guide
San Francisco March 2024 Voter Guide
San Francisco March 2024 Voter Guide
More details and explanations about our positions:

Candidates / 候選人 / Candidatos:

The San Francisco Berniecrats only endorse candidates who align with the club values. We may recommend candidates who we cannot fully endorse. In all other races, we make no endorsement or recommendation.
Los Berniecrats de San Francisco solo respaldan a candidatos que se alinean con los valores del club. Podemos recomendar candidatos que no respaldamos completamente. Sin embargo, hay casos que no respaldamos ni recomendamos.

United States Senator / 美國參議員 / Senadora de los Estados Unidos:

Barbara Lee 芭芭拉李

California State Senate, District 7 / 加州參議員,第7選區 / Senado del Estado de California, Distrito 7:

Jovanka Beckles 貝寇斯

California State Assembly, District 19 / 加州眾議員,第19選區 / Asamblea del Estado de California, Distrito 19

Recommend/推薦/Recomendar* David Lee 李志威

* Recommend :  We recommend, but don’t fully endorse. / 推薦: 不等於背書 / Recomendamos, pero no apoyamos completamente.

San Francisco Superior Court Judge, Seat 1 / 高等法院法官,第1席候選人 / Juez del Tribunal Superior de San Francisco, asiento 1:

Judge Michael Begert / 麥可·伊薩庫·貝格特 法官 / Juez Michael Begert

San Francisco Superior Court Judge, Seat 13 / 高等法院法官,第13席候選人 / Juez del Tribunal Superior de San Francisco, asiento 13:

Judge Patrick Thompson / 派崔克·S·湯普森 法官 / Juez Patrick Thompson


Labor & Working Families Slate / 三藩市縣民主黨中央委員會 / Lista de trabajadores y familias trabajadoras:

Assembly District 17 (14 Seats) / 第17選區 (14 席) / Distrito 17 de la Asamblea (14 puestos o asientos):

John Avalos 艾華樂 | Patrick Bell 派崔克·貝爾 | Gloria Berry 歌莉·婭貝理 | Vick Chung 鍾曉雲 | Peter Gallotta 彼得 ‧ 加洛塔 | Kristin Hardy 克里斯汀·哈迪 | Jane Kim 金貞妍 | Jeremy Lee 李銘富 | Anita Martinez 安妮塔 ‧ 馬丁內茲 | Michael Nguyen 阮忠誠 | Joshua Rudy Ochoa 約書亞·魯迪·奧喬亞 | Sal Rosselli 薩爾·羅塞利 | Sydney Simpson 悉尼 | Adolfo Velasquez 阿道夫 ‧ 維拉奎茲

Assembly District 19 (10 Seats) / 第19選區 (10 席) / Distrito 19 de la Asamblea (10 puestos o asientos):

Connie Chan 陳詩敏 | Queena Chen 陳慧君 | Natalie Gee 朱凱勤 | Greg Hardeman 葛雷格·哈德曼 | Frances Hsieh 謝令宜 | Hene Kelly 希尼 ‧ 凱 | Leah LaCroix 莉亞 ‧ 拉華克 | Sandra Lee Fewer 李麗嫦 | Gordon Mar 馬兆明 | Mano Raju 力儲文

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California State Proposition 1 / 加州選票提案 1 / Propuesta 1 del Estado de California:
Amendments to Mental Health Services Act/Bond Measure
Enmiendas a la Ley de Servicios de Salud Mental y Medida de Bonos

NO! ❌

Cuts voluntary, community-based mental health services. Impacts services for underserved communities, including culturally responsive services for racial and ethnic minority communities. Expands involuntary mental health treatment.

反對! 這提案削減自願的以社區為基礎的心理健康服務。已缺乏服務的社區將受影響,包括為少數族裔提供相應語言文化服務的社區。此提案過擴大非自願心理健康治療。

¡NO! Elimina servicios de salud mental que son voluntarios y comunitarios. Impacto servicios para la comunidad de bajos recursos, incluio también quita servicios que son culturalmente aceptables en minorías raciales y étnicas. Expande tratamiento de salud mental involuntario.

Local Measures / 地方選票提案/ Medidas Locales:

Measure A: Affordable Housing Bond


(Requires 2/3rds majority to pass)
Bond measure to finance affordable housing, particularly workforce and senior housing, and housing for low-income to moderate income households.

提案 A: 可負擔房屋債券
支持! 支持! 支持! (需要2/3多數通過) 為經濟適用住房(特別是勞動階級和長者住房以及低收入至中等收入家庭的住房)提供資金的債券措施。

Medida A: Bono de Vivienda Asequible
¡SÍ! ¡SÍ! ¡SÍ! (Requiere mayoría de 2/3 para ser aprobado)
Medida de bonos para financiar viviendas asequibles, particularmente viviendas para trabajadores y personas mayores, y viviendas para hogares de ingresos bajos a moderados.

Measure B: Police Officer Staffing Levels, Future Funding Options

NO!! ❌

Restores mandatory minimum police staffing with determination of funding sources: e.g., new taxation or reallocation of other resources. Measure based on unproven premise that more police equals public safety and runs counter to our goal of criminal justice reform.

提案 B: 警官人員配置水平,未來的資金選擇
反對!! 恢復強制性最低警察人員配備,並確定資金來源:例如新的稅收或其他資源的重新分配。這提案是基於未經證實的假設 — 更多警察等於公共安全,而與我們刑事司法改革的目標背道而馳。

Medida B: Niveles de dotación de personal de agentes de policía, opciones de financiación futuras
¡¡NO!! Restaura el personal policial mínimo obligatorio con la determinación de fuentes de financiación, incluidos nuevos impuestos o reasignación de otros recursos. La medida se basa en la suposición no fundamentada ni comprobada de que más policías equivale a mejor seguridad pública y va en contra de nuestro objetivo de reformar el sistema de justicia penal.

Measure C: Real Estate Transfer Tax Exemption for Conversion of Office Space to Residential Use

HELL NO!!!! ❌

Exempts from real estate transfer tax first time sale of property which has been converted from commercial to residential use. Has no requirement that conversion include any affordable housing. An attempt by Mayor Breed to reverse the voter implemented transfer tax on extremely high value property sales. There is no evidence that a transfer tax impacts the decision to convert from commercial to residential use. Boondoggle for wealthy landowners.

提案 C: 將辦公空間改為住宅用途的房地產轉讓稅豁免
強烈反對!!!! 該提案對首次出售從商業用途轉變為住宅用途的房產免徵房地產轉讓稅。適用減免轉讓稅的房屋裏不包括任何可負擔房屋。布里德市長試圖扭轉選民通過以往投票對大型商業房地產銷售徵收轉讓稅的决定,而三藩市已經面臨嚴重的預算赤字,這將加劇市府的財政危機,並導致基本服務的進一步削減。沒有證據表明轉讓稅會影響房屋從商業用途轉換為住宅用途的決定。

Medida C: Exención del Impuesto sobre Transferencias de Bienes Raíces para la Conversión de Espacio de Oficinas a Uso Residencial
¡NO! ¡De ninguna manera! Excluye el pago de impuesto de transferencia de bienes raíces en la primera venta de una propiedad que ha sido convertida de uso comercial a residencial. No tiene ningún requisito de que la conversión incluya viviendas asequibles. Un intento ambiguo de la alcaldesa Breed de revertir el impuesto de transferencia implementado por los votantes sobre las ventas de propiedades de valor extremadamente alto. No hay datos que demuestren que un impuesto de transferencia afecte la decisión de convertir de uso comercial a residencial. Esto es un despilfarro en favor de adinerado propietarios.

Measure D: Changes to Local Ethics Laws

YES! ✅

Tightens local ethics laws to require greater reporting of gifts received by politicians or on their behalf. Clarifies when a gift is a bribe. Makes rules more uniform. Requires ethics training. Requires disclosure of relationships to avoid ethical conflicts.

提案 D: 當地道德法的變更
支持! 收緊當地道德法,要求更多地報告政客或他們的代表收到的禮物。澄清禮物何時屬於賄賂。使規則更加統一。需要道德培訓。要求揭露關係以避免道德衝突。

Medida D: Cambios a las leyes de ética locales
¡SÍ! Refuerza las leyes de ética locales para exigir una mayor información sobre los obsequios recibidos por políticos o en su nombre. Aclara cuándo un regalo es un soborno. Hace que las reglas sean más uniformes. Requiere formación de ética. Requiere divulgación de relaciones personales para evitar conflictos éticos.

Measure E: Overhaul of Police Department Policies and Procedures

HELL NO!!!! ❌

Mayor Breed’s attempt to circumvent the independent Police Commission, to enable dangerous police vehicular chases, to remove police oversight, to allow unregulated police surveillance, to reduce police reporting of their use of force. Proposal is a danger to our community, allowing much police activity to be unregulated and without oversight.

提案 E: 警察局政策和程序的改革
強烈反對!!!! 布里德市長試圖繞過獨立警察委員會,允許實施危險的警車追捕,取消警察監督,允許不受監管的警察監視,減少警察對其使用武力的報告。提案對我們的社區構成危險,使許多警察活動不受管制和監督。

Medida E: Revisión de las políticas y procedimientos del Departamento de Policía
¡NO! ¡Absolutamente NO! El intento de la alcaldesa Breed de eludir la Comisión de Policía independiente, permitir persecuciones policiales peligrosas con vehículos, eliminar la supervisión policial, permitir vigilancia policial no regulada y reducir las denuncias policiales sobre uso de la fuerza. La propuesta es un peligro para nuestra comunidad, ya que permite que gran parte de la actividad policial no esté regulada ni supervisada.

Measure F: Substance Abuse Screening of Public Assistance Recipients

HELL NO!!!! ❌

Requires certain public benefit recipients submit to screening for substance use or lose benefits. Recipient could be forced into involuntary treatment. Loss of benefits can mean loss of employment; can result in homelessness or inability to get housing. Poor people will be even more destitute. Yet the rich can continue to abuse drugs behind closed doors and without consequences.

提案 F: 公共援助接受者的藥物濫用篩檢
強烈反對!!!! 要求三藩市公共福利受益人接受藥物濫用測試篩檢,否則這些受益人將失去福利。然而市府沒有足夠的治療床位供目前需要治療的人使用,因此這其實不是解決我們毒品危機的政策。失去福利可能意味著失業;可能導致無家可歸或無法獲得住房。如果說有什麼影響的話,這措施會將三藩市變得更不安全。

Medida F: Evaluación de abuso de sustancias en personas beneficiarias de asistencia pública
¡NO, NO y NO! Requiere que ciertas personas que reciben beneficios públicos sean examinadas para detectar el uso de sustancias o resultar en la pérdida de beneficios. La receptora podría ser forzada a un
tratamiento involuntario. La pérdida de beneficios puede significar la pérdida de la capacidad de conseguir un empleo y puede resultar en la falta de vivienda o la imposibilidad de conseguir una vivienda. Aún los ricos podrán seguir consumiendo drogas a puerta cerrada y sin consecuencias.

Measure G: Non-Binding Advisory Measure Urging SFUSD to offer Algebra 1 to 8th Graders

NO!!! ❌

Without input of educators and those most knowledgeable about math curriculum, Supervisor Engardio wants to interfere with the Board of Education’s oversight of SFUSD’s educational processes. Overlooks that SFUSD currently includes algebraic concepts throughout its math curriculum, in grade 7 and earlier. Also this proposal ignores the financial issues currently being confronted by SFUSD and other public school systems.

提案 G: 非約束性諮商措施敦促校區向八年級學生提供一級代數課程
反對!!! 市參事殷嘉立在没有教育工作者和最了解數學課程的人参與的情況下,希望幹擾教育委員會對校區教育過程的監督。忽視了校區目前在 7 年級及更早的數學課程中包含了代數概念。該提案也忽略了校區和其他公立學校系統目前面臨的財務問題。

Medida G: Medida asesora no vinculante que insta al SFUSD a ofrecer álgebra a estudiantes de 1.° a 8.° grado
¡Definitivamente NO! Sin el aporte de los educadores y de aquellos con mayor conocimiento sobre el plan de estudios de matemáticas, el Supervisor Engardio quiere interferir en la supervisión de la Mesa Directiva de Educación en los procesos educativos del SFUSD. SFUSD actualmente incluye conceptos algebraicos en todo su plan de estudios de matemáticas, en el grado 7 y antes. También esta propuesta ignora los problemas financieros que actualmente enfrenta el distrito escolar SFUSD y otros sistemas de educación pública.

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SF Berniecrats 2023 Officer Election Results

After all the votes have been counted, we have our elected officers for 2023! Congratulations to our newly elected officers:

2023 SF Berniecrats Officers
2023/24 Officers

Co-Chairs: Janelle Jolley & Joshua Rudy Ochoa
Treasurer: Mary Leatherman
Membership Coordinator: Adam Kim
Communications Coordinator: Brett Wilkins
Elections & Endorsement Coordinator: Laura Goldin
Events & Fundraising Coordinator: Toby Sachs-Quintana
Recorder: Julie Pitta
Tech Manager: Steven Mazliach
Community Outreach Coordinator: Winnie Porter

You can read the bios of our officers on the Officers Page.

We thank you for your support to continue leading our club and helping to uplift the progressive movement in San Francisco!

Dues for 2023 Membership

If you haven’t already, please make sure to pay your membership dues for 2023 to remain a voting member of the San Francisco Berniecrats! We’ll be focusing on coalition-building, expanding our club’s membership, and getting out into the community to do the necessary work.

November 2022 Endorsements

San Francisco General Election – November 8, 2022

Thank you so much for your participation and involvement in our November 2022 endorsements process! We heard from a ton of incredible candidates during our August meeting and heard about their plans and priorities, and how they plan on fighting for progressive values across the City. After tallying the votes from our membership, here are our November 2022 Endorsements. Scroll down for more info and explanations!!

More details and explanations about our positions:

Local Ballot Measures / 三藩市市縣提案 / Medidas electorales locales:

Measure A – YES ✅

This measure assures that the very small group of SF retired employees who retired before November 1996 — most of whom are in their nineties now — get the Cost of Living Adjustment they’re contractually owed.


Sí. los jubilados deben recibir el ajuste al costo de vida que se les debe por contrato.

Measure B – No Position

This measure repeals November 2020’s Measure B which created a Department of Sanitation and divided the corrupt Department of Public Works responsibilities between the new department and the DPW. This new Measure B will also limit qualifications and duties of the oversight committee created by the 2020 Measure B. The major problem seems to be that the new Department has yet to be created.

無立場 。公共工程部門及衛生和街道部門

Sin posición.

Measure C – No Position

This Oversight of the Department of Homelessness is needed, but having an oversight committee which is dominated by mayoral appointments to oversee the Department which is already run by the Mayor’s office is unlikely to address the need.

無立場 。我們需要加強對市府無家可歸部門的監督,但讓市長監督自己的部門不可行。

Sin posición. Si se necesita la supervisión del Departamento de Personas sin Hogar, pero hacer que el alcalde supervise su propio comité no funciona.

Measure D – HELL NO! ❌

This is a developer/real-estate funded proposal which does nothing to address San Francisco’s need for housing for low income and unhoused residents. It is not union/family/low-income friendly. If passed anything built will likely further the SF income divide.

反對! 這將高收入人群的更昂貴的房居重新定義為“可負擔”。

CLARO QUE NO! Desarrollador/financiado por bienes raíces, no apto para sindicatos/familias/personas de bajos ingresos.

Measure E – HELL YES!! ✅

This is a better solution to meet the housing needs. It will further construction of housing for families and for lower income San Franciscans. It will also assure that the jobs created by building such low-income family housing are union jobs.

贊成! 這將導致更多真正可負擔房居。

¡POR SUPUESTO QUE SÍ! Apoya trabajos sindicales y viviendas para familias de bajos ingresos.

Measure F – YES ✅

Not a new tax. Extends the property tax assessment until 2048, which is currently set to expire. The sole purpose of the assessment is the preservation of our public libraries.


Sí. No es un nuevo impuesto: preservará nuestras bibliotecas públicas.

Measure G – HELL YES!! ✅

All students in the SFUSD deserve success. This will help to ensure that San Francisco public funds support public school student achievement and receive needed social/emotional wellness services.


¡POR SUPUESTO QUE SI! Todos los estudiantes del SFUSD merecen tener éxito.

Measure H – HELL YES!! ✅

Other cities have done similar moves of local elections to even-numbered years, which has resulted in far greater voter participation. It may also be a financial savings as the off-year, low turn-out election of the Mayor and other local offices would be consolidated with other high turn-out statewide and national elections.


¡POR SUPUESTO QUE SI! Elecciones de la ciudad en años pares = más participación de votantes.

Measure I – NO ❌

This ill-advised & Trump donor-funded proposal will permanently reopen JFK Dr & the Great Highway to dangerous pre-pandemic traffic. There is no guarantee that this measure would address accessibility concerns, and instead, it would increase emissions.


No. No queremos abrir permanentemente JFK Dr & Great Highway al tráfico peligroso previo a la pandemia.

Measure J – No Position

This measure incorporates the Board of Supervisors-instated closure of JFK Dr into the City Charter.


Sin posición.

Measure L – YES ✅

This measure extends existing taxation of certain businesses for transportation purposes (e.g. safe roads, pedestrian crossings) for an additional 30 years, which was originally implemented in 1989 and extended in 2003.


Sí. Impuesto sobre Ventas para la Autoridad de Transporte

Measure M – HELL YES!! ✅

This proposes the taxation of units intentionally kept vacant by their owners for more than half the year. Funds from the tax will be used for low-income and elderly housing subsidies, and to acquire, rehabilitate, and then operate buildings as affordable housing. Let’s tax those vacant units and fund much-needed affordable housing!


¡POR SUPUESTO QUE SI! Que se cobre impuestos a las unidades vacantes: ¡deberían estar ocupadas!

Measure N – No Position

This will transfer authority of Golden Gate Park underground parking from the Concourse Authority to the Recreation and Park Department. However, while it is a good idea to remove private control of the parking garage, this proposal fails to assure that Rec & Park control will make the garage either affordable or accessible.


Sin Posición. Poner el Estacionamiento Subterráneo del Parque Golden Gate bajo Rec & Park puede no hacerlo asequible o accesible.

Measure O – HELL YES!! ✅

This is a minuscule parcel tax which would help fund City College. Let’s save City College by approving this equitable parcel tax!


¡POR SUPUESTO QUE SI! ¡Salvemos a City College a través de un minúsculo impuesto a la propiedad!

Local Candidates / 三藩市市縣 / Candidatos Locales:

Board of Supervisors / 三藩市市議會 / Junta de Supervisores:

District 2: No Endorsement / 無背書 / Sin apoyo.
District 4: Gordon Mar 馬兆明
District 6: Honey Mahogany 霍尼‧莫豪格尼
District 8: Recommend* Rafael Mandelman 建議* 孟達文
District 10: Shamann Walton 華頌

Board of Education / 教育委員會成員 / Junta Escolar:

Alida Fisher 阿莉達‧斐義莎
Gabriela Lopez 盧佩思
Karen Fleshman 凱倫‧費雪曼

City College of San Francisco (CCSF) / 社區大學董事會成員 / Colegio Comunitario:

Anita Martinez 安妮塔‧馬丁內茲
Vick Chung 鍾曉雲
Susan Solomon 蘇珊‧莎洛文

City College of San Francisco (CCSF) – 2yr term / 社區大學董事會成員(2年) / Colegio Comunitario – 2 años:

Adolfo Velasquez

Assessor-Recorder // Assesor-Registrador:

No Endorsement. / 無背書 / Sin apoyo.

District Attorney / 地方檢察官 / Fiscal del Distrito:

John Hamasaki 濱崎

Public DEFENDER / 公共辯護律師 / Defendor Publico:

Mano Raju 力儲文

BART Board, district 8 / 灣區捷運董事第8選區 / BART, Distrito 8:

Janice Li 李正元

Read the responses to our candidate questionnaires that were used in our deliberations.

* Recommend :  We recommend, but don’t fully endorse. / 建議: 不等於背書 / Recomendamos, pero no apoyamos completamente.

Candidate Questionnaires – November 2022 Election

The San Francisco Berniecrats’ Endorsement Committee has received the following questionnaires from candidates under consideration for endorsement for the November 2022 Election:

BART Director, District 8:

District Attorney

Public Defender

Board of Education (3 seats):

Community College Board (4 seats)

Board of Supervisors, District 2

Board of Supervisors, District 4

Board of Supervisors, District 6

Board of Supervisors, District 8

Board of Supervisors, District 10